1-on-1 Personal Session
Service Description
1-on-1 Training with Trainer
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Clamps & Buckets Elite Training Terms & Conditions. PLEASE READ !! Informed Consent and Acknowledgement: I hereby give my approval for my child’s participation in any and all activities prepared by Clamps & Buckets Elite Training during the selected events and trainings. In exchange for the acceptance of said child’s candidacy Clamps & Buckets Elite Training, I assume all risk and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities, and release, absolve and hold harmless Clamps & Buckets Elite Training and all its respective officers, agents, and representatives from any and all liability for injuries to said child arising out of traveling to, participating in, or returning from selected training sessions and events. In case of injury to said child, I hereby waive all claims against Clamps & Buckets Elite Training, including all coaches and affiliates, all participants, sponsoring agencies, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the trainings and or events. There is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all sports activities, including basketball. Medical Release and Authorization As Parent and/or Guardian of the named athlete, I hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of the minor child, in the event of a medical emergency, which in the opinion of the attending medical professional, requires immediate attention to prevent further endangerment of the minor’s life, physical impairment, or other undue pain, suffering or discomfort, if delayed. Permission is hereby granted to the attending physician to proceed with any medical or minor treatment and x-ray examination for the named athlete. I understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. Release authorized on the dates and/or duration of the registered session and or season. Photo Release and Authorization I hereby grant Clamps & Buckets Elite Training, its representatives and employees, or anyone authorized, permission to use my likeness and/or the likeness of my child(ren) in a photograph and/or video in any and all illustrations, advertising, publications, including website entries, social media outlets without payment or any other consideration. NO REFUNDS - All memberships are automatically recurring on a monthly basis. 5 day noticed to be cancelled. All sessions must be cancelled within 24 hours. Credits are applica
Contact Details
143 Blue Dr, Searcy, AR, USA